IAS Newsletter - May 2015 - page 19

Stochastic optimization and analysis play a very important role in many
disciplines including resource management in wireless networks, power
flow control in smart grid, networked control systems, operation
research as well as financial engineering. Key challenges include the
modeling and analysis of stochastic dynamical
systems as well as optimization and control of
systems with stochastic state evolutions. A
mini-workshop was held in the afternoon on
28 April 2015 to explore the applications of these
important techniques to the design, analysis and
optimization of next generation wireless systems
5G systems.
Speakers from Huawei Technologies and Tata
Institute of Fundamental Research discussed the
future development of mobile video streaming,
the applications of dynamic wireless broadcasting
in stochastic networks and the strategies for
transmitter-receiver energy harvesting. The mini-workshop provided
an enabling platform to inspire greener and more energy efficient
advancement of the 5G wireless networks.
Event Highlights
May 2015
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