IAS Newsletter - May 2015 - page 3

One may be humble to understate continuous efforts made but truly distinguished scholars, remarkable research
achievements and notable scientific discoveries are not dreams come true overnight. Every time when I see and talk
to our internationally acclaimed visitors, I can sense their enormous inner strength striving for further excellence and
breakthroughs. Receiving an average of about 30 “regular” IAS visitors every year, we are in particular pleased to have
hosted the sabbatical visits of IAS Visiting Professor Evelyn Hu and her husband Prof David Clarke, both from Harvard
University. Evelyn is a perfect role model for women students who intend to pursue a path to research. Please read on
the “IAS Chatroom” to learn more about Evelyn’s work and thoughts.
A bold idea can change human life. Nowadays, information sharing can be done through the World Wide Web (www)
within a split second. Do you know what www is? Who invented it? Why, how, where and when? Can you imagine that
Hong Kong scientists are participating in the largest science experiment in the world? Read the “Knowledge Corner”
to find out more. Every year, a number of HKUST UG students spend their summer working and studying there.
Advanced study is boundless. In March and April 2015, we organized programs and workshops from wave functional
materials to geometric data, from biomaterials for medical applications to computational neuroscience, just to quote
some as examples. From end of May to early August 2015, we will be busy hosting eight Gordon Research Conferences
(GRC) and two Gordon Research Seminars. Each GRC can accept up to 200 established and young researchers world-wide.
We need you to bring more talents and cutting-edge research to HKUST. Please take a look at “Call for Proposals” to
see how we can work together. Thank you.
Henry Tye
HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
Curious minds drive novel ideas and innovation.
Perseverance determines success.
Inspiring ambience draws talents.
Words from the Director
May 2015
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