IAS Newsletter - Sep 2015 - page 3

Words from the Director
Sep 2015
Henry Tye
HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study
In June 2015, I shared with HKUST deans
and heads of academic departments /
divisions the plan to offer termed
professorships to attract young stars to
IAS to complement our existing
permanent memberships.
This IAS Professorship Program for “young star” faculties is intended to add further strengths for HKUST to recruit (and
retain) outstanding faculties at their mid-career who have clearly demonstrated the potential to become world’s leaders
at the frontiers of knowledge. Receiving encouraging initial responses, I look forward to working closely with fellow
colleagues to start this exciting front to bring more top talents to HKUST and IAS. Please let me know if you have any
qualified candidates in mind.
At the beginning of 2015, the Office of the Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies joined hands with IAS to
set up a matching fund to recruit outstanding postdoctoral level young scholars as Research Assistant Professors / IAS
Junior Fellows to broaden and complement HKUST’s research capabilities. Through this exercise, we succeeded in
getting on board 13 Research Assistant Professors, seven of whom are concurrently appointed as IAS Junior Fellows.
As you read on, you will be amazed by the great work done and breakthroughs made by our Junior Fellows. Led by
VPRGO, this scheme has been fine-tuned and will invite new applications shortly.
HKUST is going to celebrate its jubilee anniversary; IAS will turn 10 next year; I will conclude my directorship by end of
2015 (or until when the new director has been on board). Joining HKUST in January 2011 as IAS Director, I have spent
close to five remarkable years in this wonderful place. It has been my profound privilege and pleasure to have
connected with numerous distinguished scholars through the unique IAS platform. I will continue to serve HKUST as
IAS Professor and Chair Professor of Physics beginning 2016. With much regret, I am yet delighted to inform you
IAS Senior Manager Katherine Wong just assumed the role of Director of Postgraduate Studies Administration of the
University, after serving IAS for almost six years.
Success won’t happen overnight. Your support counts. Please read “Call for Proposals” inside this Newsletter to see
how we can collaborate to attract more talents and cutting-edge research activities to HKUST. Thank you.
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