IEMS Newsletter - Fall 2015 - page 3

HKUST IEMS Research Grants support high-quality research that
provides valuable insights into the challenges facing businesses
and governments in emerging markets. In 2015 the Institute
encouraged collaborative proposals among HKUST faculty
and with researchers outside HKUST and awarded 10 grants
for unique research conducted on a broad range of emerging
market related issues.
Research Grants Awarded in 2015
(January 2015)
Foreign Banks in Emerging Markets: Advantage or
Sasidaran Gopalan (HKUST)
(February 2015)
Localizing Chinese Enterprises in Africa: from Myths to
Barry Sautman (HKUST) and Yan Hairong (Hong Kong
Polytechnic University)
(March 2015)
How Do Minimum Wage Policies Affect Workers in
Emerging Markets?
Albert Park and Qing Xia (HKUST)
(April 2015)
Wage Discrimination in Urban China: How Hukou
Status Affects Migrant Pay
Xiaogang Wu (HKUST) and Zhuoni Zhang (City University of
Hong Kong)
(May 2015)
The Employment Gender Gap in Urban China: Why
Women Benefited Less from China’s Privatization
Christina Jenq (HKUST)
(June 2015)
Renminbi Internationalization: the Prospects of China’s
Yuan as the Next Global Currency
Edwin Lai (HKUST)
Providing thought leadership and policy recommendations on
key issues facing emerging markets
Find out more about
the research grants at
See the full list of the briefs at
Research Topic
Principal (Co-)Investigator(s)
Suppression or Diffusion? Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on
Labor Rights Protection in Emerging Market Countries
Hye Jee Cho (HKUST)
Equity Crowdfunding in China: An Exploratory Study
Sam Garg (HKUST), Kellee Tsai (HKUST)
National Expressway Expansion, Trade integration and Pollution:
Micro-Evidence from 60,000 Industrial Plants in China
Guojun He (HKUST), Bing Zhang (Nanjing University)
Agglomeration, Competition, and Firm Capability: Evidence from
China and India
Amber Yao Li (HKUST), Joseph Kaboski (University of Notre
A Model of China’s Shadow Banks and Market Determined Interest
Rate Reform
Xi Li (HKUST), Yikai Wang (University of Oslo), Tong Zhang
(University of Zurich), Fabrizio Zilibotti (University of Zurich)
Value of Chinese Patents: Evidence from the Chinese Patent Inventor
Naubahar Sharif (HKUST)
Evaluating Spillover Effects of the Trader Agent Intermediated
Lending Scheme on Non-borrowers
Sujata Visaria (HKUST Department of Economics), Pushkar
Maitra (Monash University), Sandip Mitra (Indian Statistical
Institute), Dilip Mookherjee (Boston University)
Industrial Upgrading, Structural Change, and Middle-Income Trap Yong Wang (HKUST), Justin Yifu Lin (Peking University ),
Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia University)
Place-based Policies, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Evidence
from China’s Economic Zones
Jin Wang (HKUST), Yao Amber Li (HKUST)
Product Market Response to Corporate Governance Shocks: Evidence
from India
Alminas Zaldokas (HKUST), Abhiroop Mukherjee (HKUST)
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