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Science Focus Issue 013, 2018
What? Happening in Hong Kong? 擐葛蝘?瘣餃? Amusing World of Science 蝘飛頞??
HK SciFest 2018 1 Love Thy Enemy ??Parasite Makes Rats Attracted 12
擐葛蝘飛蝭 2018 to Cats 16
???萎犖 ??撖??脖誘??鋡怨??餃撘? 18
"SOPHIE - IVE's Solar Cars Driving the Future" Special Exhibition The Chemical Magic of Hand Warmers 20
?OPHIE - IVE ?云?質頠??靘?憿?閬? ?????飛擳?
Nanotechnology... At a Store Near You 22
An Adventure to the Amazon 蝝掖?銵???撠勗雿澈?? 24
鈭收?風?? Rising from the Ashes: Ecological Succession
after Volcanic Eruption
Science in History ?蝘飛 瘚渡??嚗撅梁??澆???????
Penicillin: Beyond Fleming 2 Who? Who? 蝘飛撌其犖
?文側镼踵???敺?? Applications of Time Reversal ??
Science Today 隞蝘飛 Interview with Prof. Mathias Fink
??????????撠赤 Mathias Fink ??
Lazy Ants Are Far from Useless 4 Q&A with HKUST Scientists
銝阡?瘥怎鞎Y??啗??? 6 蝘之蝘飛摰嗥???蝑? 8
The Mystery of the Universe - Negative Mass 10 Acknowledgements ?孵曈渲?
摰?銋? ??鞎釭??
CRISPR: Gene Editing Made Simple
How Underwater Waves May Solve an
Aviation Mystery
Message from the Editor-in-Chief 銝餌楊閰梯?
Dear Readers, 閬芣?????
Welcome to the latest issue of Science Focus! After serving as a scientific 甇∟??梯???唬?????閮???券??餃撟湛????湔??園
advisor of this magazine in the last two years, this is the first time I write as the ????摮賊“????洵銝甈∩誑銝餌楊?澈隞賢?憭批振閬??
Editor-in-Chief. As usual, we hope to bring you interesting scientific stories 憒敺嚗????葆蝯虫????暑?舀?賊???頞??摮豢?
that connect closely with daily lives. Have you used hand warmers in the past 鈭??典???憭拇??券?????嚗??仿????潛撠?
winter? Do you know the chemistry behind these heat-emitting pouches? The ????摮詨???嚗?餈誑?脣?亦瘝餌?蝵??箏?曄??
import of drugs to treat rare genetic diseases was widely covered in the local ?◤憭抒?撟撠?雿?衣??楊頛舀靘?璈??臭誑?
news. Do you know gene editing may provide alternative treatment options in ?虫?瘝餌??寞?嚗?the future?
撅?撠?嚗????游??撥蝬脖?撌乩?嚗蒂?潭???蝬脩??冗鈭? Looking forward, we strive to increase our digital presence by posting in our 慦?銝雿瘨?迭餈????箸?閬?撱箄降嚗???閮?
website and on social media. Please leave us your feedback and suggestions 隞交?脖?甇乓?銝?敹???撖思?瘥魚嚗??臭誑撠????so that Science Focus can better serve you. And don? forget our writing ??sciencefocus@ust.hk嚗蒂?????潭靘???閮??competition. You may submit your articles by email at for a 銝准?chance to have them published in future issues.
Lastly, I would like to thank Professor Yung Hou Wong for laying a solid ?????飛?楊憪漲???閮?匱蝥?撖?雿?foundation for Science Focus. Our staff and student editors will continue to work
closely together for many issues to come. 銝餌楊 暻交?⊥??? ?砌?
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Ho Yi Mak
Scientific Advisors 蝘飛憿批? Student Editorial Board 摮貊?蝺典?
Dr. Jason Chan ?喲???憯? Editor-in-Chief 銝餌楊頛? Editors 蝺刻摩 Reporter 閮?Prof. Karen Chan ?單????? Prof. Ho Yi Mak 暻交?⊥??? Long Him Cheung 撘菜?雓? Teresa Fan 璅?憪?Prof. Simon Chan ?喲?? David Iu 憪?曀?Prof. Tom Cheung 撘菜??望??? Associate Editor ?舐楊頛? Henry Lau ?誑頠? Graphic Designers 閮剛?撣?Dr. Ice Ko 擃??啣?憯? Prof. Yung Hou Wong ?捕???? Melody Ma 擐砍??? Steve Min Kyu Park
Prof. Pak Wo Leung 璇摩???? Twinkle Poon 瞏 Tommy Wong 暺?雓? Managing Editors 蝮賜楊頛? Chantelle Sullivan ??摰? Lynn Zhang 撘菜絲?? Janice Wong ?派甈? Mandy Wong 暺?憍?
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