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P. 6

A n t s are                                      rugatulus [1]. They      stages. The colonies seemed to
                                                     painted the ants with  compensate the loss of workers
arguably the world?                                  special color codes   after the most active ones were
most productive organisms.                            so that they could    removed. Within two weeks of
However, are all ants as                             track the behavior     removal, some of the inactive
relentlessly hardworking as                                                 ants became the most active
they apparently are? Studies          of each individual over time          workers. On the other hand,
have shown that typically over        with an HD camera. The ants           upon removal of the inactive
50% of workers in a social insect     were observed and classified          workers, the colonies did not
colony (for example, ants,            into three broad categories           seem to replace them.
honey bees, wasps, termites)          according to the tasks they
are inactive at any one time [1].     performed: active, inactive and            This observation supports
Daniel Charbonneau and Anna           undifferentiated. The active          the hypothesis of reserve labor,
Dornhaus, entomologists of the        class refers to ants performing       one of the most common
University of Arizona, investigated   tasks such as building, foraging,     explanations for social insect
a group of ?azy??members of          eating and grooming, while            ?aziness?? It is suggested that
the ant species Temnothorax           inactive ants are those that are      inactive ants can serve as
rugatulus. When tracking              completely immobile and not           standbys to replace active
the behavior of 250 ants, the         engaged in any of the active          workers when necessar y,
researchers found that 40% of         tasks mentioned before. Ants are      allowing a colony to respond
them were inactive consistently       undifferentiated when they are        quickly and flexibly to changes
[1].                                  mobile inside the nest and not        in labor. The reserve labor force
                                      engaged in any active task.           could be crucial to a colony?
     In another study with biologist                                        survival in case of emergency,
Takao Sasaki of the University of          The scientists then removed      such as being attacked.
Oxford, the scientists collected      some of the workers to observe
20 colonies of Temnothorax            how the colonies were affected.            Apart from being reserve
                                      Each colony received either of        labor, other potential functions
                                      these treatments: removal of the      of ?azy workers??have been
                                      20% most active workers, that of      proposed, such as acting as
                                      the 20% most inactive, and that       food storages or energy reserves
                                      of 20% randomly picked workers.       for production. It is also possible
                                                                            that the seemingly inactive
                                           Overall, the activity of the     insects are indeed performing
                                      affected colonies was re-             crucial tasks that have not been
                                      established, with no significant      observed and identified yet.
                                      difference between pre-
                                      removal and post-removal

                                      Lazy Ants
                                             Are Far From
                                                                          By Twinkle Poon 瞏
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