Strategic Plan 2021-2028
HKUST’s new Guangzhou campus provides an unparalleled opportunity for us to elevate our position as a trendsetter in f ront ier knowledge and breakthrough research, whi le contributing to solving the complex challenges facing the world. By balancing discipl inary and cross-discipl inary activities, and on-going development of our educational thinking, our two complementary campuses will serve as dual knowledge hubs, creating a distinct synergy and model for the future. Delivering an education to enable original scholarship and endeavors A founding principle of HKUST is that education, original research, and the development of society are integrally linked and best pursued together. In developing this “three-pronged” approach to meet the needs of our changing world, the degree programs we offer and the way we deliver our education must be able to exibly respond to emerging trends resulting from social changes, including the COVID-19 global pandemic. To spark and develop the creative thinking and endeavors that will mobilize the full capabilities of our students and on graduation enable them to serve the global community, we will focus on two complementary strategies. We will continue to advance the disciplinary activities of our Schools’ traditional core areas of science, engineering, business and management, and humanities and social science, and those intellectual endeavors that do not neatly t within a single School’s scope through our Interdisciplinary Programs Of ce. However, we will also go beyond the University’s existing horizons and conventional academic disciplines to embrace the potential of cross-disciplinary pursuits to generate new vision and human resources that can, among others, contribute to solutions to pressing and complex global challenges impacting the future of our living, work and people. At the Clear Water Bay campus, we are constantly upgrading our undergraduate curriculum. Cross-disciplinary elements in the form of Extended Majors (Major + X) will be introduced to broaden undergraduates’ perspectives from other disciplines. In addition, we will build on our signature “Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program” (UROP), which offers early hands-on research opportunities on faculty projects, by introducing two more programs, namely an “Undergraduate Teaching Opportunities Program” (UTOP) and “Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program” (UPOP) for workplace immersion and to boost speci c career development in students’ areas of interest. 2 An International LEADER in Education and Research 14
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