9 Types of party performing R&D activity Public technology support organizations Higher education institution the enterprise group enterprise group Others 1,188.8 (47.9%) 1,162.4 (37.9%) 1,785.2 (45.0%) 2,750.6 (61.1%) 1,812.5 (48.2%) Data Source: Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 2015-2019 Total 2,482.9 (100.0%) 3,067.3 (100.0%) 3,963.1 (100.0%) 4,502.1 (100.0%) 3,756.8 (100.0%) 0.1 (0.0%) 6.6 (0.2%) *** 9 73.8 (1.6%) 3.5 (0.1%) 1,084.7 (28.9%) 566.8 (22.8%) 1,342.4 (43.8%) 1,373.3 (34.7%) 892.0 (19.8%) 461.7 (18.6%) 230.7 (7.5%) *** 8 416.4 (9.2%) 311.6 (8.3%) 265.5 (10.7%) 325.3 (10.6%) 551.7 (13.9%) 369.3 (8.2%) 544.5 (14.5%) HK$ million (percentage) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 1.3 Enlightenment from Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 1.3.1 In the five years from 2015 to 2019, the business sector of Hong Kong spent billions of funding in research and development every year. From 2015 to 2018, the business sector was more inclined to entrust “Company not affiliated with the enterprise group” for R&D. In 2018, this figure was as high as HK$2.75 billion, accounting for 61.1% of the total expenditure. However, in 2019, this number dropped significantly to 28.9%, while the percentage of R&D expenditures performed by “Affiliates or parent company of the enterprise group” to the total expenditure rose sharply, from 19.8% in 2018 to 48.2% in 2019. In the meantime, the proportion of R&D invested by “public technology support organizations” also rose sharply from 8.2% in 2018 to 14.5% in 2019 (Table 1.3). Table 1.3 Total Expenditure on Contracted-out R&D Activities in the Business Sector from 2015 to 2019 by Type of Performing Party 8 The Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 2017 does not contain the data of such sub-item. By deducting the items with data from “Total”, the total expenditure of R&D activities contracted-out by the business sector to the “Higher education institution” and “Others” was HK$252.9 million (6.4%). 9 The Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 2017 does not contain the data of such sub-item. By deducting the items with data from the “total”, the total expenditure of R&D activities contracted-out by the business sector to “higher education institutions” and “others” was HK$252.9 million (6.4%) 1 The Urgency for Further Developing Hong Kong’s Technology and In novation Industries