3 YU Chun, Calvin During his postgraduate studies in HKUST, Mr YU Chun, Calvin obtained a Master of Science in Information System Management and a Master of Philosophy in Information System. He was supervised by Professor Yan XU in the Master of Philosophy Programme to focus on the research about technology and innovation topics. His graduation thesis was titled “Re-examining the Classification of Technology and Innovation Industry in the Context of Open Innovation” and explored how to employ Open Innovation thinking to help formulate more suitable technology and innovation industry policies. Calvin assisted Professor XU in the research project “Innovated by Hong Kong”. The research result was subsequently published as the book “Innovated by Hong Kong”, co-authored by Professor XU and Calvin. Calvin has also published research papers about technology and innovation industry policies, electronic government, etc. in different international research conferences and journal, including Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, International Society for Professional Innovation Management Conference (ISPIM), and Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China.