HKUST Environment , Social and Governance Report 2020-21

Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2020-21 26 27 Our Net-Zero Journey Introduction Materiality Environment, Social and Governance Sustainability initiatives ESG frameworks With 95% of campus energy consumed as electricity, the emissions profile is based on the fuels portfolio used by our electric utility (CLP) to produce electricity. In the 2020/21 academic year, HKUST emitted 33,890 metric tons of CO2 equivalent from sources of Scope 1 and 2, which was 27% lower than the previous year. Scope 1 Direct GHG emissions increased by 3% while Scope 2 Indirect GHG emissions showed a 25% reduction.The intensity of emissions per capita and per square meter of building area have decreased over seven straight academic years. The main driver for the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is from scope 2 electricity, which represents an improved fuel mix from CLP for electricity. The table below shows the amount of CO2 emitted by each various type of scope over a span of 3 years from 2018 to 2021. Graph 7 (Clearwater Bay Campus Carbon Emission ProjectionTowards 2050) Graph 8 (Scope 1&2 GHG EmissionsTrend 2010/11 to 2020/21) Table 9 (Amount of CO2 emitted by each various type of scope) Pollution Greenhouse Gases Emissions Overview in 2020/21 HKUST is committed to meeting or exceeding the GHG reductions needed to stay within the bounds of the Science-Based Targets reductions over time. Further, HKUST is committed to meeting the Hong Kong goal of becoming net-carbon zero by 2050. To this end, the university has created a new Sustainability/Net Zero Office tasked with focusing on creating and implementing a Net-Zero 2050 roadmap. The roadmap will be overseen by a Net-ZeroTask Force, including members from senior leadership positions in the university to ensure that the net-zero priorities remain university priorities. All economic activities today (whether sourcing raw materials, manufacturing and using goods, or transporting things around the world) cause some degree of pollution, including an increasing concentration of GHGs in our atmosphere. HKUST is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensuring that no harmful emissions escape out of HKUST’s laboratories. Year 2018 / 19 2019 / 20 2020 / 21 Scope 1 (metric tons) 1,228 971 1,019 Scope 2 (metric tons) 46,254 43,879 32,886 Scope 3 (metric tons) 657 242 126 Emissions per GFA (metric tons per m2) 0.92 0.87 0.60 Measure Names Emissions Capita Emissions GFA MetricTons of CO2E 4.0 60K 55K 50K 45K 40K 35K 30K 25K 2010/11 50,000 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 2042 2044 2046 2048 2050 Total GHG emission (tonne CO2) Scope 1+2 Scinece-based target scope 1+2 emission (tonne CO2) 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 - 1.258 3.521 4.032 3.975 3.651 3.741 3.225 3.044 2.723 2.565 2.537 1.720 1.288 1.281 1.117 0.952 0.922 0.871 0.602 1.037 1.293 1.344 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 20K 15K 10K 5K 0K 3.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2.5 3.5 MetricTons of CO2E Per Capita/GFA