Contents 1. Introduction 2 2028 sustainability Goals 2 2. Materiality 7 Stakeholder Engagement 7 Materiality Matrix 8 3. Environment, Social and Governance 13 Energy 13 Energy Consumption Overview in 2020/21 13 Energy is From Renewable Sources 15 Energy Reduction Measures 16 Water 17 Water Consumption Overview in 2020/21 17 Water Use Is Environmentally Responsible and Socially Equitable 19 Natural Resources 20 Natural Resources are Managed to Respect theWelfare of Ecosystems, People, and Animals 20 Physical Presence 21 Operations do not Encroach on Ecosystems or Communities 21 Pollution 22 Greenhouse Gases Emissions Overview in 2020/21 22 Operational Emissions do not Harm People or the Environment 25 Waste 25 Waste Generation Overview in 2020/21 25 Operational Waste Is Eliminated 27 People 28 Community and Employee Health is Safeguarded 28 Employees are Paid at Least a LivingWage 30 Employees are Subject to Fair EmploymentTerms 30 Employees are not Subject to Discrimination 31 Employee Concerns are Actively Solicited, Impartially Judged, andTransparently Addressed 31 Drivers 32 Procurement Safeguards the Pursuit of Future-Fitness 32 Business is Conducted Ethically 33 Financial Assets Safeguard the Pursuit of Future-Fitness 34 4. Sustainability Initiatives 35 Education 35 Network 36 Research and Demonstration 37 5. ESG Frameworks 38 Alignment with Future Fit Business Benchmark 38 Alignment with SDG 41 Alignment with GRI 44