Public policy bulletin (First Issue - June 2022)

4 Follow Us on Social Media Contact Us (852) 3469 2721 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology c/o Division of Public Policy (PPOL) Room 4611, Academic Building, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Further reading Sharif, N., & Chandra, K. (2022). A comparative analysis of innovation policies in Hong Kong and Shenzhen within the Greater Bay Area initiative. Science and Public Policy, 49(1): 54-71. References Asheim, B. T., Boschma, R., & Cooke, P. (2011). Constructing Regional Advantage: Platform Policies Based on Related Variety and Differentiated Knowledge Bases. Regional Studies, 45, 893–904. Lundquist, K. & Trippl, M. (2013). Distance, Proximity, and Types of Cross-border Innovation Systems: A Conceptual Analysis. Regional Studies, 47, 450–60. OECD (2013). Regions and Innovation: Collaborating across Borders, OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. Paris: OECD Publishing. Sohn, C. (2014). The Border as A Resource in the Global Urban Space: A Contribution to the Cross-border Metropolis Hypothesis. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38, 1697–711. Trippl, M. (2010). Developing Cross-border Regional Innovation Systems: Key Factors and Challenges. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 101, 150–60. Wang, J., Chandra, K., Du, C., Ding, W. & Wu, X. (2021). Assessing the Potential of Cross-border Regional Innovation Systems: A Case Study of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Region. Technology in Society, 65, 101557. Naubahar SHARIF is a Professor and the Acting Head of the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) at HKUST. His research specializes in innovation and technology policy, and he has published his research in various academic journals. The impact of his knowledge has spread to the public and society through opinion pieces submitted to the China Daily (Hong Kong Edition) and the South China Morning Post (SCMP) and interviews with local media. He was appointed as a consultant for the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of the HKSAR government from 2006 to 2010. Kevin CHANDRA is an assistant officer in the Division of Public Policy at HKUST. His research interests range from regional innovation systems, university-industry col laboration, and s u s t a i nab i l i t y t o me n t a l health. He received his Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree from the same university in 2019. His academic work has been published in several journals, notably Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Technology in Society, and Science and Public Policy. He previously worked on a Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) project funded by the Policy Innovation and Coordination Office (PICO) of the Hong Kong Government on comparative analysis of university-industry linkages in Hong Kong, Mainland China, East Asia, Europe, and North America. barriers preventing collaboration cannot be overlooked if the government wants to develop a mutually trustworthy relationship (Trippl 2010). To enhance the compatibi l ity of innovation pol icy frameworks, coordination between Hong Kong and Shenzhen is needed. This in turn requires coordination across policy agencies within Hong Kong. Whether this can be achieved remains an open question. Innovation policymaking could be less fragmented if various agencies were to enhance their coordination. The policy framework could be further synthesized if the government were to restructure, consolidate, and upgrade some existing policy agencies. In the near future, two objectives could be accomplished. First, policy clusters supporting industries and academies could work more closely with each other because basic research and applied research are highly complementary. Second, administrative units could be established to coordinate the efforts of the fragmented agencies involved in the four collaboration areas. In the long run, there could be an overarching agency, e.g., the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, or a more senior unit, serving as a leader to coordinate and reorganize the entire innovation policy portfolio. Innovation policies in the Greater Bay Area: Hong Kong and Shenzhen P u b l i c P o l i c y BULLETIN