To Inspire. To Be Inspired. – 30 Stories on HKUST Faculty, Alumni and Students

water quality and clean-up initiatives, confirming his hypotheses and giving him the confidence he needed to take the next big step in his work. Yunfei and his teammates embarked on their entrepreneurial journey in 2010 by founding Yunzhou. It was one of a handful of companies around the globe specializing in ocean-going drones that operate on the surface. They eagerly began research and development work using their prize money from competitions and fundings, but before long they ran into trouble. The market response was lukewarm, and financial pressure made some team members leave the company. The USV team began entering entrepreneurship competitions, including the HKUST One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition, where they learned about business concepts such as market positioning, and market demand. They received invaluable support from HKUST in acquiring technological know-how and entrepreneurial skills. Equipped with a sense of steely determination and purpose, Yunfei knew there was a market gap that he and his friends could fill, and he went on a market-research trip to more than ten Chinese provinces with serious water pollution. He studied how USVs were being used to monitor HKUST gave me maximum freedom and a dynamic learning and growth environment.