To Inspire. To Be Inspired. – 30 Stories on HKUST Faculty, Alumni and Students

Major materials science breakthroughs don’t happen every day, but within the walls of her “second home” at HKUST, Prof. Gao Ping is leading the charge and bringing our greatest sci-fi imaginings to life. Would you believe that there’s a single material that can be used in bulletproof vests, human joint replacements, transparent COVID-19 face masks, and devices to prevent battery explosions? Materials engineer, Prof. Gao Ping doesn’t just believe it, she’s making it possible. Propelled by the promise of discovery, Prof. Gao was drawn to the world of polymer science. Micro-rheology — the field she has devoted her life to researching — may sound like a foreign language to many, but it’s a realm in which the impossible is dragged into being. It can be likened to rocket science in its complexity and its power to revolutionize our world: it’s the study of structured polymer melts, including thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers (TLCPs) and high-performance materials, in particular high-strength, high-stiffness, and high-toughness ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fibers and films. 77