32 3 Government Panel on Adaptation and Resilience Other notable use of I&T include: • DSD: The use of “smart” water gate to regulate the water level in Tsui Ping River; and the Yuen Long Barrage Scheme will be the first flood control barrage in Hong Kong with a mega-sized pumping station. The operation will be optimized based on real time tidal and rainfall and the short-range weather nowcasting system. • WSD: Its Water Intelligent Network will be completed by 2024 after many years of progressive implementation. It will identify anomalies with IoTs so water losses could be identified and fixed. WSD is also developing digital twins of water treatment works and water supply networks to improve many areas of operation. • GEO: It is conducting cutting-edge research that has led to implementing a smart barrier system, using satellite images to enhance overall situational awareness of largescale landslides events and deploying automation and robots in slope management, as well as working with top local, national and international research experts to solve extreme climate risks. • ArchSD and HD: They apply many green buildings designs with the help of I&T, and they represent leading users of such technologies in Hong Kong that has strong demonstration uses for the private sector. Application of automation and robotics Pilot study on the application of advanced quadruped robots in carrying out inspections and data collection where the environment is potentially dangerous Collaboration with the Centre for Slope Safety on various landsliderelated research projects 1. Climate Change Action Plan 2050 (October 2021), see https://www. climateready.gov.hk/files/pdf/CAP2050_booklet_en.pdf. 2. The Steering Committee on Climate Change was set up in 2016 and chaired by the Chief Secretary. It became the Steering Committee on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality in mid-2021 and is chaired by the Chief Executive. 3. The CCWGI coordinates to update infrastructure guidelines from August 2021. Updates of CEDD Port Works Design Manual and DSD Stormwater Drainage Manual were released in August 2022. The review and update of other infrastructure design guidelines and manuals would follow. 4. See https://www.dsd.gov.hk/EN/Publicity_and_Publications/Publicity/DSD_ Sustainability_Reports/19/blue-green-infrastructure.html. 5. See WSD’s Total Water Management Strategy, https://www.wsd.gov.hk/en/ core-businesses/total-water-management-strategy/index.html. 6. See GEO’s website, https://www.cedd.gov.hk/eng/about-us/achievements/ geotechnical/safety-system/index.html. 7. Hong Kong has a total of 6,000 ha of wetlands, of which 1,500 ha are listed under the Ramsar Convention due to its importance as a wintering site for waterbirds during their migration.