School of Science Brochure

Dr. Eddy Wu, a graduate with both a BSc and a PhD in Biochemistry, is an exemplary figure of how science education prepares students for a successful career. His education and experiences at the School of Science laid a solid foundation for his remarkable journey as a healthcare innovator and entrepreneur who has made a meaningful impact in the industry. Dr. Wu is grateful for the diverse range of knowledge and skills, from biochemistry to business, that he gained, which allowed him to understand the global standards and competitive landscape of scientific research. One pivotal experience that continues to shape his career today was the process of applying to be a laboratory assistant with esteemed professors early on in his studies. "This empowered my personal growth and development in remarkable ways," he recalls. "I learned valuable life skills such as critical thinking, self-reliance, and strategic planning." This experience gave Dr. Wu the confidence to take control of his future and set him on a path to success. This was also the turning point of his study life, where Dr. Wu met his PhD supervisor, Prof. Yung Hou WONG, the Dean of Science and Chair Professor of Life Science, who helped him hone his skills and develop his vision for the future. As a committed PhD student, Dr. Wu published academic papers and presented his research findings at top-notch international conferences. Through this process, he learned to welcome constructive criticism and recognized that these interactions were crucial for scientific development. "This rigorous training has been particularly advantageous in my current role within the healthcare industry, where I restlessly push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation," he notes. Dr. Eddy WU Class of 2006, PhD in Biochemistry Class of 2002, BSc in Biochemistry Founder & CEO, Arctic Vision Dr. Wu's passion for science eventually led him to establish Arctic Vision, a company that provides medical treatments for millions of patients suffering from eye disorders. He attributes his success to the foundation he received during his studies at the School of Science, which ignited his passion for science and inspired him to pursue a career in healthcare. "The pursuit of cutting-edge technology is now part of my DNA, and I bring that determination to Arctic Vision," he says. As a respected leader in the healthcare industry, Dr. Wu advises students interested in studying science to be prepared to embrace creativity and handle situations proactively. He believes that with a science education background and a positive mindset, everything is possible. "The world is constantly changing, and it is important not to solely judge the future based on one's fixed mindset and knowledge," he adds. 11