ENGINEERING: Innovation For Global Impact

Peer Mentoring Guides Freshmen Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn Our senior year engineering students are “Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn”. Having gone through coaching in well-designed workshops, they provide peer mentoring support to freshmen. The Peer Mentoring Program helps senior students to reflect on their experiences and convert them to useful advice and guidance to freshmen, assisting them in their transition to university life. Chloe YIP 2020 BEng (Mechanical Engineering) 2022 MSc (Intelligent Building Technology and Management) Engineer, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited IET HK Young Women Engineer of the Year Meritorious 2022 IMechE HK Associate Member of the Year 2023 Across different overseas exchange and internship experiences, I must count the internship I had at CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and General Electric Aviation in Shanghai. I have also been provided abundant support and resources to participate in exchange programs in world-class universities, such as Georgia Institute of Technology and Tsinghua University. The invaluable experiences have deepened my understanding of scientific research, enhanced my soft skills, and explored my interest before determining my career path. I was also inspired to work on my final year project, and my thesis was awarded by the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers and Institution of Engineering and Technology. Recalling my HKUST early days, I was glad to have professors’ support and willingness to share their insight on future development in the industry, which enlightened us to think critically and multidimensionally. The academic ambience was the most enjoyable and enriching one I had. I continued by work-study life with my part-time master back in HKUST MAE and graduated last year. Moving forward, I will continue to pursue professional chartership for a brighter future on my career path. 32