UG Resident Handbook 2023-24

15 Hall Rules 21 Disruptive Actions and Behaviors Misbehaviors 21.1 Actions or behavior that disturb other residents or the orderly operation of the Hall; or that threatens the health and safety of self or other residents; or that unreasonably interfere with other residents’ normal use of facilities; or that cause nuisance (e.g. getting drunk and defiling public facilities, entering the bedrooms of other residents without their consent, failing to settle proper taxi fare, etc.) to campus users are prohibited. 21.2 A fixed penalty of HK$500 plus other incurred charges, if any (e.g. taxi fare, etc.) will be levied on residents who were found breaching clause 21.1 21.3 Students found abusing the Guest Pass scheme or violating hall rules (e.g. visitors staying illegally without a valid Guest Pass) are subject to a fixed penalty of HK$500 and other disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate, including but not limited to termination of hall residence, banned from future hall application(s) and residence for rest of study, blacklisted from the scheme, payment for making good of damaged facilities or any incurred charges. Disciplinary cases will be brought to the Residence Master for deliberation. 22 Interpretation of Rules The Residence Master shall have the authority to interpret these Rules. 23 Breach of Rules If anyone fails to observe the Rules and Regulations, the Residence Master may impose penalties, including suspension or termination of hall residency and/or disciplinary actions, on the resident or host resident of the visitor. General Penalties for Hall Rules Violation Most Serious Offenses Examples: • Hall place trading • Use or storage of illegal drugs in hall • Damage of security or safety devices with malicious intent Serious Offenses Examples: • Unauthorized hall swapping • Misuse of student card for illegal hall entry • Causing significant nuisance Possible Penalties (Zero tolerance) • Immediate termination of hall place • Disqualification of all future hall application • Ban from entering student halls • Penalty charge (HK$500) and make good cost (if applicable) Possible penalties for 1st Offense • Warning letter • Rectify action • Suspension from visiting student halls for non-residents Possible penalties for 2nd Offense • Immediate termination of hall place • Ban from entering student halls • Disqualification of hall application in the subsequent year Possible penalties for 1st Offense • Verbal warning • Rectify action Possible penalties for 2nd Offense • Same as 1st offense under “Serious Offense” Minor Offenses Examples: • Removing furniture without permission • Inappropriate decoration or display materials * This table is for reference only. The Residence Master shall have the authority to interpret the Hall Rules and may take disciplinary actions against any hall resident or vacation resident in accordance with authorities vested in him/her by the University. For more details and the most updated information, please visit SHRLO website at