UG Resident Handbook 2023-24

Welcome Message 2 Introduction 3 Your Learning Partners 4 Residence Masters (RMs) Assistant Managers Hall Attendants Hall Tutors Student Groups House Students’ Associations Student Housing and Residential Life Office (SHRLO) Dean of Students’ Office Hall Offices Programs and Activities 6 Student Housing and Residential Life Office (SHRLO) Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence 8 1 Interpretation 2 Compliance with Terms and Conditions 3 Hall Admission 4 Payment of Hall Charges 5 Privileges of Hall Residents or Vacation Resident 6 Visitors 7 Responsibility for Injury and Damage 8 Inspection of Rooms 9 Vacating Room and Removal of Property 10 Penalty for Late Check Out 11 Discipline Hall Rules 12 1 Occupancy 2 Change of Rooms 3 Identification 4 Key 5 Food 6 Smoking 7 Safety and Fire Hazards 8 Cleanliness 9 Furniture, Fittings and Fixtures 10 Decorations and Display Materials 11 Hallways and Public Areas 12 Dress Code 13 Laundry 14 Drugs 15 Alcohol 16 Gambling 17 Pets 18 Visitors 19 Personal Belongings 20 Commercial Activities 21 Disruptive Actions and Behaviors 22 Interpretation of Rules 23 Breach of Rules Introduction of Undergraduate Halls 16 Number of Hall Places and Room Types Table of Contents