HKUST Sustainability Annual Report 2021-2022

HKUST Sustainability 30 Environment Social and Governance Report 2021-22 Overview Materiality Contents ENVIRONMENT Social/People Governance/ Driver Sustainability Initiatives ESG Frameworks HKUST is committed to rethink and explore new was to implement new policies for sustainability matters. Currently, the University has established a committee for preparing to implement waste charging policy in the whole university. This committee is also discussing the timeline for the pilot scheme, as well as the possibility of phasing out the trash bin. At the same time, the University will continue to digitalize all administrative procedures by reducing the use of papers and promoting the use of digital forms. Increase of Circular Economy HKUST students have continuously organized many sessions of food donation throughout the year, to collect unused food for a better use. At the same time, REMAKE, a student organization, regularly organizes repair sessions to help university members repair their devices as well as promoting good use of electronic devices. In order to reduce the food waste and use of paper straw in all campus caterings, HKUST Campus Services Office has implemented no straw – less rice which will pay back $1 for less rice option and discourage the use of straw. At the same time, HKUST also implements waste data collection in all departments to track the amount of waste that they are releasing through a QR code system. This will allow facilities team to collect real waste data, identify problems immediately when arising, and consequently reduce the amount of waste on campus. Operational Waste is Eliminated RETHINK REPAIR REDUCE