HKUST Sustainability Annual Report 2021-2022

HKUST Sustainability 45 Environment Social and Governance Report 2021-22 Course Criteria Sustainability education is the foundation for preparing students to meet the challenge of sustaining human thriving over time and within planetary boundaries. SEAG agreed that sustainability education is built through the interplay of relevant knowledge and understanding of the issues, an appreciation for values and perspectives, and the skills and competencies necessary to address the challenge of a sustainable future. The courses are separated into two categories: “sustainability-focused,” and “sustainability-related.” Sustainability-focused courses are courses that may be broad and cover a wide breadth of sustainability concepts, content, issues, and contemporary thinking, or they may be narrowly focused and address one or more sustainability issues or concepts in depth. In both cases, the course is primarily focused on sustainability. This category must concentrate on sustainability in at least 75% of class time. On the other hand, sustainability-related courses are focused on a topic other than sustainability but have sustainability ideas, principles, or content embedded within specific parts of the curriculum. It needs to spend at least 25% of class time. Evaluation of Sustainability Exposure In this 2021-2022 academic year, all schools and most departments include at least one listed course. A total of 77 newly offered courses were reviewed and an addition of six new courses was added to the sustainability course inventory, representing 7.8% of the newly offered course. Also, 2,358 graduates (94.5%) had enrolled in at least 1 sustainability course during their undergraduate studies. Of those, 717 graduates (28.7% of all graduates) completed at least 1 course that is related to sustainability. 1,641 graduates (65.8% of all graduates) completed 2 or more sustainability-focused courses. In terms of exposure to sustainability concepts, we note that 66% of recent graduates are leaving with a “strong” exposure (completing two or more sustainability-focused courses). Only 5% of students graduated with no course exposure to sustainability, which remains consistent with the last years. Curriculum Highlight: BSc in Sustainable and Green Finance at HKUST To support the Hong Kong government’s goal of creating a leading green and sustainable finance center, HKUST is offering a firstof-its-kind BSc in Sustainable and Green Finance program from Fall 2022. This program will nurture students to be effective leaders in ESG, impact investment, development of sustainable instruments and products, and other related fields. Topics introduced span multiple disciplines including climate and ESG, public policy, big data, statistics and programming among others. The graduates of this program will eventually contribute to the sustainable growth of Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and beyond. Provision of KNOWLEDGE to Understand Issues (Know What) Building Key SKILLS & COMPETENCIES to Address Global Challenges (Know How) Appreciation for Key VALUES & PERSPECTIVES to Connect to the Human Condition (Know Why) Sustainability Education Framework KNOWLEDGE SKILLS VALUES