HKUST Sustainability Annual Report 2021-2022

HKUST Sustainability 55 Environment Social and Governance Report 2021-22 Alignment with GRI This report has been prepared by referencing the GRI Standards: Core Option. It discloses our performance against some of the selected issues that are considered most materials to our stakeholders. Table 15 (Alignment with GRI Goals) GRI Standards Reporting Requirement Section Page GRI 102 General Disclosures 102-1 Name of the Organization Cover Page P.1 102-2 Activities, Brands, Products, and Services 2028 Sustainability Challenge P.8 102-3 Location of Headquarters Natural Resources (Natural Resources are Managed to Respect the Welfare of Ecosystems, People, and Animals) P.25 102-4 Location of Operations Natural Resources (Natural Resources are Managed to Respect the Welfare of Ecosystems, People, and Animals) P.25 102-6 Markets Served Netzero Statement P.3 102-12 External Initiatives Materiality Matrix P.11 102-13 Membership of Associations / / 102-16 Values, Principles, Standards, and Norms of Behavior Governance / Drivers P.37 102-17 Mechanisms for Advice and Concerns about Ethics Social / People P.31 102-40 List of Stakeholder Groups Stakeholder Engagement P.11 102-43 Approach to Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Engagement (Materiality Matrix) P.11 102-44 Key Topics and Concerns Raised Stakeholder Engagement P.11 102-46 Defining Report Content and Topic Boundaries Table of Contents P.2 102-47 List of Material Topics Materiality Matrix P.11 102-50 Reporting Period All the Information and Data in the Report is in Year 2021/22 / 102-53 Contact Point for Questions Regarding the Report Contact P.57 102-55 GRI Content Index Alignment with GRI P.55 GRI 302 Energy 103-1 Explanation of the Material Topic and its Boundary Energy P.17-22 103-2 The Management Approach and its Components 103-3 Evaluation of the Management Approach 302-1 Energy Consumption within the Organization Energy Consumption Overview in 2021/22 P.17 302-4 Reduction of Energy Consumption Energy Reduction Measures P.19 GRI 303 Water 103-1 Explanation of the Material Topic and its Boundary Water P.23-24 103-2 The Mmanagement Approach and its Components 103-3 Evaluation of the Management Approach 303-5 Water Consumption Water Consumption Overview in 2021/22 P.23