HKUST Sustainability 56 Environment Social and Governance Report 2021-22 Overview Materiality Contents Environment Social/People Governance/ Driver Sustainability Initiatives ESG FRAMEWORKS GRI Standards Reporting Requirement Section Page GRI 305 Emissions 103-1 Explanation of the Material Topic and its Boundary Pollution P.27-28 103-2 The Mmanagement Approach and its Components 103-3 Evaluation of the Management Approach 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG Emissions P.28 305-2 Energy Indirect (Scope 2) GHG Emissions P.28 305-3 Other Indirect (Scope 3) GHG Emissions / / 305-4 GHG Emissions Intensity / / 305-1 Reduction of GHG Emissions Energy (Step change measure) P.21 GRI 306 Waste 103-1 Explanation of the Material Topic and its Boundary Waste P.29-30 103-2 The Mmanagement Approach and its Components 103-3 Evaluation of the Management Approach 306-2 Management of Significant Waste-related Impacts / / 306-3 Waste Generated Waste Generation Overview in 2021/22 P.29 306-4 Waste Diverted from Disposal / / 306-5 Waste Directed to Disposal / / GRI 403 Occupational Health and Safety 103-2 The Mmanagement Approach and its Components Community Health is Safeguarded (Physical Safety) P.34 403-3 Occupational Health Services Community Health is Safeguarded (Health Outreach Program) P.33 GRI 406 Nondiscrimination 103-2 The Mmanagement Approach and its Components Community Health is Safeguarded (Anti-Discrimination) P.33 406-1 Incidents of Discrimination and Corrective Actions Taken / /