HKUST PG Programs 2024-25 - SSCI

13 Enquiries MPhil and PhD Programs T : (852) 2358 8129 MSc in Environmental Health and Safety T : (852) 3469 2507 MSc in Global Marine Resources Management T : (852) 3469 2507 SML-Zhuhai and HKUST Joint PhD Training Program in Marine Environmental Science The Joint PhD Training program aims to train students in original research in marine environmental science, and independent and innovative thinking that is essential for a successful research career. In particular, the collaborative effort provides students with opportunities to benefit from the research excellence shared between HKUST and Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai) (SML-Zhuhai), as well as to cultivate outstanding science and technology talents to build a sustainable economy in China. GML-HKUST Joint PhD Training Program in Marine Environmental Science The Joint PhD Training program aims to train students in original research in marine environmental science, and independent and innovative thinking that is essential for a successful research career. In particular, the collaborative effort provides students with opportunities to benefit from the research excellence shared between HKUST and Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) , as well as to cultivate outstanding science and technology talents to build a sustainable economy in China. Research Postgraduate Programs Taught Postgraduate Programs PhD PhD Master of Science in Global Marine Resources Management (Double Award by HKUST and UoS) Jointly offered by the Department of Ocean Science of HKUST and the School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton (UoS), the program aims to equip students with the cross-disciplinary knowledge and international experiences that are needed to tackle emerging issues in the sustainable utilization of marine resources. The program takes research insights from marine research in both the UK and HK, and integrates them into a global context. Courses are taught by world-class faculty from UoS and HKUST with research profiles covering a wide range of topics related to marine resources management, from coastal pollution to deep-sea ecology. Classes will take place at UoS, Waterfront Campus based at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton in the fall semester, and at HKUST, Clear Water Bay campus in spring and summer semesters. MSc Master of Science in Environmental Health and Safety The MSc program is designed to provide multidisciplinary training to current and prospective environmental professionals. The curriculum covers the scientific, technical, legal and social issues that underpin environmental health practices, food safety, hazards and risks assessment, and occupational health and safety. Currently, this is the only environment-related MSc program in Hong Kong that focuses on health and safety issues. The program aims to educate students with cutting-edge knowledge in environmental health and safety, and equip them with the skills to integrate the knowledge into real life situations and identify emerging environmental problems. #This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. MSc