Science Focus (issue 25)

11 References 參考資料: [1] Sanluis-Verdes, A., Colomer-Vidal, P., Rodriguez-Ventura, F., Bello-Villarino, M., Spinola-Amilibia, M., Ruiz-Lopez, E., Illanes-Vicioso, R., Castroviejo, P., Aiese Cigliano, R., Montoya, M., Falabella, P., Pesquera, C., GonzalezLegarreta, L., Arias-Palomo, E., Solà, M., Torroba, T., Arias, C. F., & Bertocchini, F. (2022). Wax worm saliva and the enzymes therein are the key to polyethylene degradation by Galleria mellonella. Nature Communications, 13(1), 5568. [2] Bombelli, P., Howe, C. J., & Bertocchini, F. (2017). Polyethylene bio-degradation by caterpillars of the wax moth Galleria mellonella. Current Biology, 27(8), R292– R293. [3] Cassone, B. J., Grove, H. C., Elebute, O., Villanueva, S. M. P., & LeMoine, C. M. R. (2020). Role of the intestinal microbiome in low-density polyethylene degradation by caterpillar larvae of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1922), 20200112. rspb.2020.0112 [4] Yoshida, S., Hiraga, K., Takehana, T., Taniguchi, I., Yamaji, H., Maeda, Y., Toyohara, K., Miyamoto, K., Kimura, Y., & Oda, K. (2016). A bacterium that degrades and assimilates poly(ethylene terephthalate). Science, 351(6278), 1196–1199. aad6359 [5] Lu, H., Diaz, D. J., Czarnecki, N. J., Zhu, C., Kim, W., Shroff, R., Acosta, D. J., Alexander, B. R., Cole, H. O., Zhang, Y., Lynd, N. A., Ellington, A. D., & Alper, H. S. (2022). Machine learning-aided engineering of hydrolases for PET depolymerization. Nature, 604(7907), 662–667. https://doi. org/10.1038/s41586-022-04599-z [6] Knott, B. C., Erickson, E., Allen, M. D., Gado, J. E., Graham, R., Kearns, F. L., Pardo, I., Topuzlu, E., Anderson, J. J., Austin, H. P., Dominick, G., Johnson, C. W., Rorrer, N. A., Szostkiewicz, C. J., Copié, V., Payne, C. M., Woodcock, H. L., Donohoe, B. S., Beckham, G. T., & McGeehan, J. E. (2020). Characterization and engineering of a two-enzyme system for plastics depolymerization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(41), 25476–25485. https://doi. org/10.1073/pnas.2006753117 [7] University of Portsmouth. (2020, September 28). New enzyme cocktail digests plastic waste six times faster. new-enzyme-cocktail-digests-plastic-waste-six-timesfaster [8] Sadler, J. C., & Wallace, S. (2021). Microbial synthesis of vanillin from waste poly(ethylene terephthalate). Green Chemistry, 23(13), 4665–4672. d1gc00931a 腸桿菌(Escherichia coli),細菌會表達五種不同的酶將 TPA 逐步轉化成香草醛,轉化率更高達 79%。這個生物合 成途徑為我們提供升級改造(upcycle)塑膠廢料的方法, 製造出擁有更高價值的產物。 利用酶降解塑膠的競賽正進入白熱化階段,可望為我 們締造更潔淨的未來。借助大自然的力量,我們在解決塑 膠污染問題上離扭轉劣勢又進了一步。