School of Science - UG Booklet

STUDENT LIFE science disciplines, who are interested in assisting new students in overcoming the obstacles they may encounter during their first year. The mentor / mentee connection provides an academic, cultural, and social support network for students seeking academic excellence and satisfaction. Academic Advising The Office of Academic Advising and Support is established in the School of Science to provide students with a general orientation to the university, initial advice on course selection and consultation on the choice of major. The Office provides guidance to students on academic-related issues through – • Providing accurate and relevant information about academic programs and other educational experiences; • Providing one-on-one consultation on the choice of major and possible double major / major-minor combinations to suit their interests, abilities and goals; • Explaining university regulations, graduation requirements, and institutional policies and procedures; • Enhancing their awareness of available educational resources on campus such as internship, mentorship, undergraduate research and exchange programs; • Encouraging the use of institutional and community services in support of academic success. Student Development Programs – Science for Success University Student Sponsorship Program in Wildlife Conservation (USSP) Collaborating with the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong, selected students will be fully sponsored to travel overseas to gain first-hand research experience, while contributing to wildlife conservation. MenTernship Program Students joining the MenTernship Program will be offered opportunities to shadow social dignitaries, and learn through social events and internship experience in the mentors’ respective fields. Overseas Cultural Exploration and Service Trips To raise students’ awareness of serving the community, service-learning trips to Cambodia and Sri Lanka have been held. Students engaged in various service projects that facilitated cultural exchanges with the local people. The trips also included visits to heritage sites of historical significance. Cultural Study Tours to Mainland China Our School has established close relationships with renowned institutions in Mainland China for various study tours. We encourage students to step out of their comfort zone to experience a glimpse of Chinese culture. SCI/NUCLEUS Team SCI/NUCLEUS is a student-driven science busking team established to mobilize Science students, alumni and staff to promote pop science and serve the community together. MAGNET (Make A Great Net) MAGNET is a peer mentoring program in the School of Science that aims to help freshmen make a smooth transition to HKUST by providing a supportive environment. It allows students with diverse backgrounds to bond over similar experiences and interests. Peer mentors are selected senioryear students from different First Year Course – HMAW 1905 - Behavioral Foundations of University Education: Habits, Mindsets, and Wellness HMAW1905, led by faculty advisors, advising staff and peer mentors, is a one-year course designed to help new students adapt to university life through advising, sharing and discussion, and applying the science of wellbeing to enhance their personal and interpersonal development. It also aims to foster their self-understanding and confidence as young adults who can fully enjoy their university education and career thereafter. 28 29