School of Science - UG Booklet

ADMISSIONS • Local applicants applying via JUPAS on the basis of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) results; • Local applicants applying on the basis of non-HKDSE qualifications (Local Direct Admissions); • International applicants; • Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau (MTM) applicants Admissions Routes Admissions Requirements (JUPAS Admissions) Our undergraduate students are drawn from a wide range of academic, cultural and social backgrounds. Our applicants can be classified into the following categories: Minimum Entrance Requirements for Science Programs Applicants must achieve the following minimum grades in four core subjects and two electives: Science (Group A), Science (Group B) and SSCI-A (AI) programs: The weighted scores of the following 5 subjects are summated to form the admissions score: For details, please visit Applicants follow either one of the following admissions routes: • JUPAS Admissions (JUPAS applicants should submit the application to JUPAS Office) • Direct Admissions (All non-JUPAS applicants should submit the application directly to HKUST via the Online Application System for Undergraduate Programs) *Notes: The highest scores of at most TWO weighted science electives will be taken in the admissions score calculation. x 1.5 x 1 Physics / M1 / M2 (x 2) Biology / Chemistry (x 1.5) Biology / Chemistry (x 2) Physics / M1 / M2 (x 1.5) Subjects Weightings English Language Mathematics (Compulsory Part) Best science elective* Must be one of M1 / M2 / Biology / Chemistry / Physics Best two other subjects* Can be core subject, M1 / M2 or any Category A subject Science (Group A) / SSCI-A (AI) Science (Group B) International Research Enrichment (IRE) program: Note: Satisfactory interview performance is required for admissions to the IRE program. Applications should put the IRE program among the Band A choices to get the interview opportunity. The unweighted scores of the following 5 subjects are summated to form the admissions score: x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 Subjects Weightings English Language Mathematics (Compulsory Part) Best two science electives: Must be from: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, M1 / M2 Next best subject: Can be core subject, M1 / M2 or any Category A subject JUPAS Score Calculation Grade-to-score conversation scale: HKUST adopts the following conversation scale in calculating the JUPAS admissions scores*: JUPAS Score Calculator *Note: For Category A Core/Elective Subjects only HKDSE subject grade Admissions score 5** 8.5 5* 7 5 5.5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 Science (Group A) (JS5102) Science (Group B) (JS5103) International Research Enrichment (IRE) (JS5101) Science (Group A) with an Extended Major in Artificial Intelligence (SSCI-A (AI)) (JS5181) Subjects English Language Chinese Language Mathematics (Compulsory Part) Citizenship and Social Development Elective 1 Elective 2 Level 3 Level 3 Level 2 Attained Level 3 Level 3 M1 / M2 can be accepted in place of an elective Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Attained Level 3 Level 3 38 39