HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

11 Awards and Projects Leading Faculty Funding Agency Project Prof. Naubahar Sharif 白立邦 教授 Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme, Advisory Committee on Mental Health • Strengthening Family Relationships for Hong Kong’s Ethnic Minority Communities in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic (2023 - Now) Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme, Advisory Committee on Mental Health • Supporting Ethnic Minority Elderly with Mental Health Needs (2023 - Now) Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme, Advisory Committee on Mental Health • Preparing and Deploying Ethnic Minority Lay Leaders to Promote Mental Wellbeing Among Hong Kong’s Major Ethnic Minority Communities (2022 – Now) Center for Aging Science, HKUST • Towards a More Inclusive Hong Kong: Covid-19, Mental Well-being, and Mitigation Strategies for a Multicultural Elderly Community (2022 - Now) Institute for Emerging Market Studies, Center for Economic Policy, HKUST • Influence of and Interplay Between Culture and Chinese Outward FDI into Southeast Asia (2022 - Now) Prof. Kira Matus 穆綺蘭 教授 RGC - General Research Fund • Towards 1.5C Lifestyles: What Motivates Sustainable Consumption Choices in Hong Kong? 邁向 1.5° C 生活模式:是什麼推動香港的 可持續消費選擇? (2022 - Now) Prof. Masaru Yarime 鎗目雅 副教授 Global Engagement Funds, University College London • Public Perspectives on Personal Data Use for Personalized COVID-19 Advice (2022 - Now) Institute for Emerging Market Studies • The Smart City as a Field of Innovation: Effects of Public-Private Data Collaboration on Innovation in the Guangdong Province and Implications for the Greater Bay Area (2022 - Now) Ongoing Projects