HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

12 Awards and Projects Leading Faculty Funding Agency Project Prof. Pengyu Zhu 朱鵬宇 副教授 CLP Research Fellowship, CLP Holdings Limited • EV Charging Infrastructure Planning Based on an Integrated Model of Optimization Algorithms and Spatial-Temporal Analysis (2022 - Now) RGC - Public Policy Research Funding Scheme • The Persistence of Behavioral Changes in Post-Pandemic Hong Kong: Implications for Transportation, Housing and Economic Development Policies 後疫情時代香港社會⾏為轉變的持續性研 究:對於交通政策、住房政策以及經濟發 展政策的指導意義 (2022 – Now) Innovation and Technology Fund, Other Income (Non-Profit) • Strategic Planning for Transforming Hong Kong into a Leading Global Aviation and Innovation Hub 香港轉型成為世界航空與創新中心之策略 規劃 (2021- Now) Prof. Alex Jingwei He 和經緯 副教授 RGC - General Research Fund • Technocrats and Mid-Level Policy Entrepreneurship in China: Explaining Local Policy Innovations in the Social Welfare Arena 中國大陸的技術官僚與中層政策企業家: 解釋社會福利領域的地方政策創新 (2023 – Now) World Health Organization • Public-Private Mix for Continuity of Care for Older Persons with a Focus on Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia (2023 – Now) Prof. Xiaofan Zhao 趙小凡 助理教授 National Natural Science Foundation of China • Explaining Business Compliance: Evidence from Energy-saving Regulation in China 中國企業服從節能減排規制的動因及其作 用機制 (2022 - Now)