HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

15 Research Showcase Stephenson, M., Lejarraga, I., Matus, K., Mulugetta, Y., Yarime, M., & Zhan, J. (2023). AI as a SusTech Solution: Enabling AI and Other 4IR Technologies to Drive Sustainable Development through Value Chains. In The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 183-201). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Artificial intelligence (AI) and other new technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) can help drive sustainable development through what can be called ‘SusTech’ solutions. To address the questions on how can these SusTech solutions be supported by governments, adopted by firms (especially in managing value chains), and encouraged by users, this book chapter proposes a three-part solution: (1) creating a Sustainable Technology Board by the G20 (modeled after the Financial Stability Board) as a mechanism for coordination, cooperation, and scaling of SusTech solutions; (2) adopting policy and regulatory measures to help firms integrate SusTech solutions into value chains, including drawing from 11 concrete, actionable options; and (3) illustrating opportunity and inspiring replication by examples of firms already adopted SusTech solutions.