HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

22 Featured Article fears that a nuclear war between the two powers could be triggered by an accident during a clash in the South China Sea or near Taiwan. Nuclear arms control treaties and exchanges between nuclear experts from rival states have been crucial in the past to mitigate the risks of nuclear conflicts. However, there has been an alarming collapse of nuclear arms control frameworks and a shutdown of communication between nuclear experts from China and the U.S. in recent years. Hong Kong is geographically located at the doorstep of possible military conflicts between the U.S. and China and cannot escape the deadly impacts of such clashes. Yet, the city has a compelling asset that it can leverage to contribute to preventing these nightmarish outcomes. Hong Kong can help restore the vital connections between nuclear experts and act as a platform where they can discuss policy frameworks to reduce the risks of a nuclear conflict between the two countries. The city of Hong Kong has a responsibility to its people and the world to work toward avoiding a nuclear war between the two rivals. About the Author Prof. Julien de Troullioud de Lanversin Prof. Julien de Troullioud de Lanversin is Assistant Professor in the Division of Public Policy at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, he received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Princeton University. Prof. de Troullioud de Lanversin’s scholarship combines technical solutions and policy analysis to address the dangers of nuclear technologies while promoting its peaceful use as low-carbon energy. He is interested in nuclear energy’s role in decarbonizing the electricity sector in Hong Kong and China while addressing public concerns over safety issues. Prof. de Troullioud de Lanversin also works toward understanding and addressing the risks of nuclear war, especially in the context of the U.S.-China rivalry. Together with the academic community at HKUST, he is striving to place Hong Kong at the front stage of discussions on how the atom will impact humanity’s future. Left: J. Robert Oppenheimer with a snapshot of a nuclear explosion cloud Right: Daya Bay Nuclear Plant of the Guangdong Province