HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

24 Nuclear Policy Expert in Media technology, and the impact of the nuclear industry’s long-term use of the environment to dispose of radioactive waste. Read the SCMP article here: In a recent interview with TVB News, Prof. de Troullioud de Lanversin stated that there are no better alternatives for handling the wastewater, such as the evaporation or burial of the wastewater underground as proposed by other parties, because in evaporation, the particles of tritium are going to stay in the air, likely the upper part of the atmosphere, and there is no guarantee that it would not spread and penetrate to the populated areas in China, Japan, South Korea, and elsewhere. By burying the wastewater underground, it will leak and contaminate the land of the entire region in case of an earthquake. As regards the Hong Kong citizens’ purchase of radiation detectors, Prof. de Troullioud de Lanversin suggested during a Now TV News interview that the current radiation level (1.9 Sv/h) measured around 10km away from the Fukushima nuclear plant as read on those commercial radiation detectors will only become dangerous if someone exposes to the dose continuously for a duration of at least ten months to 1 year. Only a nuclear professional is capable of interpreting those readings on the radiation detectors. Therefore, he does not recommend Hong Kong citizens to use these devices and draw conclusions from the readings. He assured that the radiation levels monitored by Hong Kong and Japanese governments are more accurate than those by commercial devices. TVB and Now TV News interviewed Prof. Julien de Troullioud de Lanversin on his views on the Fukushima nuclear plant’s discharge of wastewater and the purchase of radiation detectors by Hong Kong citizens