HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

28 Public Policy Dialogue Series Education and Science: Does STEM Education Matter in Hong Kong’s Move into an Innovation and Technology Hub? On March 18, 2023, the fifth Public Policy Dialogue Series invited Professor Anthony B. L. Cheung, GBS, JP, Chair Professor of Public Administration at EdUHK, former president of EdUHK and Secretary for Transport and Housing; Professor Tai-lok Lui, JP, Chair Professor of Hong Kong Studies at the Department of Asian and Policy Studies and Director of the Academy of Hong Kong Studies at EdUHK; Professor Naubahar Sharif, esteemed authority on Innovation and Technology Policy, Acting Head and Professor of the Division of Public Policy at HKUST. The panel was moderated by Professor Peter T. Y. Cheung, Head and Professor of Practice in the Department of Social Science at EdUHK. The dialogue focused on STEM education and its role in propelling Hong Kong towards becoming an innovation and technology hub. Prof. A. Cheung opened the Dialogue Series by stating the objectives of science education and the prominence of innovation and technology in national policies, and drew figures from worldwide studies to illustrate the rapidly changing labor market and structure, Prof. A. Cheung deduced that what is important is not the specific skills, techniques or knowledge, but how to nurture the critical mind. He advocated a stronger government role in reshaping the innovation and technology ecosystem, and fostering collaboration among government, industry, and universities stating that innovation should be collective and not just depend on university research alone. Prof. A. Cheung emphasized the significance of the human mind and its capacity for adaptation, reflection, and invigoration, referring to these qualities as the Newton spirit.