HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

3 Acting Head's Message As we commence another vibrant semester, it brings me great pleasure to welcome you all to the fourth edition of our Division's newsletter. This year marks a new chapter in our journey as we warmly embrace the leadership of our newly appointed president and provost. Their vision and ambition set a tone of reinvigoration, promising a phase of growth and evolution for our Division. The dawn of a new academic year always heralds an invigorating energy that reverberates through our campus corridors, classrooms, and in the hearts of our dedicated faculty and dynamic student body. As we progress, we uphold our commitment to delivering interdisciplinary public policy research at the global frontier, partnering with diverse organizations to contribute significantly to policy development. We are excited to explore the opportunities this new leadership brings, and we look forward to sharing our journey with you. Here's to a fruitful semester ahead, and as always, happy reading! Professor Naubahar SHARIF, Division of Public Policy, HKUST Acting Head's Message