HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

40 Community Impact Outreach to Community Members: We have successfully connected with over 5,000 community members through online and in-person channels, spreading mental health first aid awareness and delivering crucial mental health information. Our activities ranged from large-scale lectures to more intimate, interactive group discussions, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. Over the past year, our Mental Health Project Team has been dedicated to supporting Hong Kong's ethnic minority community. Here's a brief update on our first project's accomplishments: Our team's commitment to delivering mental health programs for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong has caught the attention of local media. Ming Pao and Snapshot of Interim Impact Training of 28 Community Lay Leaders: These leaders have played a key role in overcoming cultural and language barriers bringing mental health first aid and information to their communities. This step has been vital in increasing mental health first aid awareness within these communities. HK01 have spotlighted our innovative projects and the crucial need to tackle mental health issues within the city's ethnic minority communities. Read the Ming Pao article here: Read the HK01 article here: