HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

43 Student Achievements and Events PhD Thesis Presentations Dr. Gleb Papyshev Currently Research Assistant Professor in the Division of SOSC, HKUST Supervisor: Prof. Masaru Yarime Thesis Title: The Emergence of Institutional Architecture to Govern Artificial Intelligence: Investigating the State’s Role in Digital Capitalism This thesis gains a systematic understanding of the roles the governments are taking, which is lacking in the academic literature. The analysis of regulatory documents and game theoretic modeling shows that some countries prioritize consumer protection through stringent regulation. In contrast, others promote innovation by adopting a more hands-off approach when balancing a trade-off between regulation and innovation. However, minimal regulation is rationalizable only if a government is not prioritizing consumer welfare but tries to maximize innovation, domestic producer surplus, or perceived consumer welfare. Dr. Marie Noel Loullie Bernal-Garrido Currently Lecturer in the Division of PPOL, HKUST Supervisor: Prof. Kira Matus Thesis Title: Alignment of Society’s Mental Models of Chemical Risk Perception with Chemical Regulatory Policies: Legislative Activity in the United States between 2010 and 2020 This thesis studies the chemical regulatory policy and regulatory environment in the U.S. between 2010 and 2020, it fills the research gap of identifying areas or types of regulatory policy that take into consideration citizen’s preferences by first analyzing legislative activity at state and federal level as it pertains to toxic and hazardous chemicals, and then examines patterns of behavior related to people’s attitudes towards chemicals and towards risk, to finally be able to determine whether or not there is an alignment between people’s chemical risk perceptions and the regulatory policies that are instituted to mitigate those risks. Dr. Lei Shi Supervisor: Prof. Xun Wu Thesis Title: When Stronger Policy Capacities Produce Worse Outcomes: A Historical Case Analysis of Crisis Management of Eight Asian Cases This thesis explores crisis management and policy capacity through case studies of Hong Kong and other countries' crisis episodes. It argues that the traditional event-centered approach to crisis management literature overlooks connected crises contexts. The study applies a processual approach and proposes a novel "crisis-to-crisis frame" incorporating pre- and post-crisis analyses. The policy capacity framework assesses analytical, operational and political capacities for explaining and evaluating crisis management actors' actions during crises. The novel “crisis-to-crisis” framework underpinned by policy capacity analysis generated valid patterns of relationships between areas of policy capacity in crisis contexts that are not dependent on crisis contexts.