HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

46 Student Achievements and Events Master of Public Policy - Policy Analysis Exercise 2022-23: Emerging Innovations for a Sustainable Future The Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE) is an eight-month capstone project of the two-year Master of Public Policy (MPP) program offered by PPOL, HKUST. The PAE 2022/23 was conducted under the theme of “Emerging Innovations for a Sustainable Future”, final year MPP students presented the findings of their projects in four hours in two lecture halls simultaneously. Prof. Naubahar Sharif, Acting Head and Professor of PPOL delivered the welcome speech introducing PAE’s background and thanked the project supervisors, client advisors, and students for their effort and contribution towards the successful completion of the PAE projects. Prof. Masaru Yarime, program co-director of MPP encouraged the students during the PAE to extract from what they learned from PAE in a turbulent world. Prof. Pengyu Zhu, program co-director of MPP said that although the MPP students could not travel abroad for their PAE projects due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he appreciated students’ participation online, and Prof. Zhu encouraged MPP students to make good use of summer and to initiate connecting with clients. For this academic year’s PAE, we have Prof. Naubahar Sharif, Prof. Kira Matus, Prof. Xun Wu, Prof. Donald Low, Prof. Masaru Yarime, Prof. Pengyu Zhu, Prof. Alex He, Prof. James Wong, Prof. Magdalena Klemun, Prof. Xiaofan Zhao