HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

47 Student Achievements and Events served as academic supervisors, together with 14 clients served as industry/ government advisors for our MPP students’ group projects to look at how government, industry, and society would be affected by emerging and increasingly disruptive technologies, what opportunities and challenges we would face in a wide range of sustainability challenges, and how various sectors would be able to design and implement appropriate policies and strategies for the future. The PAE conference also allowed the MPP students to apply what they learned in the 2-year program to real-world scenarios, gain industry exposure, and establish connections with potential future employers and industrial partners. During the PAE Conference, students presented their joint effort in groups, covering interesting and thought-provoking topics addressing the current policy challenges, ranging from climate change, social welfare, and environmental policy to innovation policy. Some examples of these topics are: “Imperfect Maternity Leave Policy for Pregnant Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong”, “Policy Analysis on China’s Property Debt Crisis”, “Community Healthcare System for Chronic Disease Management among Middle-aged People in Hong Kong”, “Flying High from a Global Aviation Hub: Promoting the Development of Aviation Technology in Hong Kong”, etc. Clients and academic advisors gave their comments to the MPP students and suggested how the projects could be improved and developed. This academic year's fourteen client advisors are taking senior management roles, deputy heads, or senior executives in diverse sectors from Hong Kong and other countries and regions. The fourteen clients include Alaya Consulting; Arthur D. Little Asia Pacific Limited; Carbon World Limited; Centennial Asia Advisor; the Center for Green Finance Research; Development and Reform Bureau in Haizhu District, Guangzhou; HKUST-Jiangmen Laboratory of Carbon Science and Technology; Huawei Technological Co. Ltd.; Netherlands Innovation Network; PathFinders Hong Kong; PayPal Hong Kong; PwC HK; RAND Corporation; and Research for Social Advancement.