HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

5 Awards and Projects Awards and Achievements Professor Naubahar Sharif Received the Prestigious “Chief Executive’s Project List 2023” Award Congratulations to Professor Naubahar Sharif, Acting Head and Professor of the Division of Public Policy, who has been awarded a substantial grant of HK$13.72 million from the prestigious "Chief Executive’s Community Project List 2023". This funding is generously made available by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and is allocated by the Chief Executive to innovative and impactful projects. Priority is given to projects that are supported by the relevant policy bureau, in this case, the Health Bureau. This achievement is monumental in the annals of HKUST, as it marks only the second time a professor from our institution has received this esteemed award in over three decades of HKUST's history, and the first time since 1999. This speaks volumes about the significance of Professor Sharif's work and his commitment towards making a difference in our community. The grant will support Professor Sharif's project titled "Enhancing the Mental Health of Hong Kong’s Non-Chinese Youth Aged 15-24". This project will span three years and is scheduled to launch at the end of 2023 or early in 2024. We extend our hearty congratulations to Professor Sharif on this noteworthy achievement and look forward to seeing the positive impact his project will undoubtedly make.