HKUST PPOL Newsletter Fall 2023

8 Awards and Projects Phenomena of mainland China’s Medical System and their impact on its Sustainability Researchers and policymakers have largely overlooked the doctor-patient relationships and their significance in doctors’ behavior. The unique contribution of Prof. He’s investigations is on the tense doctor-patient relationship in mainland China resulting from the lack of mutual trust and even conflicts between the two parties and their significance in doctors’ behavior in delivering healthcare under the implementation of universal health insurance coverage in mainland China. Such tense relationships have been identified in Prof. He’s investigations as adversely affecting the sustainability and capacity of the mainland's medical system, as there is a tendency for doctors to resort to “defensive medicine” involving over-prescription of drugs and diagnostic tests to avoid potential liability and future medical disputes. A Bridge Between Healthcare Professionals and Policymakers Prof. He has been advocating for doctors and frontline medical staff and persuading policymakers in mainland China to fight for better treatment and benefits for the former by visiting and delivering speeches in different government departments and public hospitals. In Hong Kong, Prof. He has been invited by the former Food and Health Bureau and the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers to share his research results, providing new perspectives for the insurance industry and relevant stakeholders, and enabling the public to understand medical insurance options better. Prof. He has the vision to apply his research results to make policy initiatives for society, to raise public awareness and understanding of medical insurance and health policies, and to become an important bridge between the relevant stakeholders. References: UGC RAE 2020 Impact Case UoA25- Political Science Sing Tao Daily: Photo Sourced from Sing Tao Daily Photo Sourced from Sing Tao Daily