Hang Lung Mathematics Awards 2023

2,600 students research reports 70+ professors 44 universities 460 teachers 600 teams 800+ HK$10,000,000 prize money schools 200+ To celebrate two decades of excellence, we proudly unveil a special logo inspired by geometric patterns in mathematics. The ten Bézier curves represent ten editions of the Awards. This logo symbolizes Hang Lung Mathematics Awards’ commitment to excellence and the spirit of exploration that the competition instills in its participants, inspiring them to achieve their full potential through mathematics. Accompanying this logo is a slogan, “Shaping our Future,” which encompasses our dedication to empowering young minds in mathematics and shaping a better future for all. As Hang Lung Mathematics Awards enters its 20th year, we reflect upon the extraordinary achievements of our students and unwavering support of the academia and community at large. Their efforts and contributions have played a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future through mathematics. 190+winners Shaping our Future through Mathematics A Celebration of 20 Years of Excellence