Hang Lung Mathematics Awards 2023

The inaugural HLMA awards ceremony was held at the Government House, with Prof. Yongxiang Lu, then President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the Guest of Honor and over 100 renowned mathematicians around the world in attendance. Creating a Lasting Legacy It All Started with an Idea 20 06 20 04 20 years ago, we envisioned a competition that encourages secondary school students to embark on intellectual discoveries in mathematics and sciences — the first of its kind in Asia. Co-organized by Hang Lung Properties and CUHK, the first Hang Lung Mathematics Awards (HLMA) attracted over 100 school teams to participate. A good start! HLMA is governed by two principal committees. Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, 1996 Nobel Laureate in Economics, joined the HLMA Steering Committee as Chair, a position he held for 10 years until his retirement in 2016. Prof. Tony Chan, then at UCLA, chaired the 2006 Scientific Committee. Throughout HLMA history, he has unfailingly supported each HLMA, either as member of Steering Committee or Scientific Committee. The HLMA Scientific Committee comprises top mathematicians from around the world. In 2006, our stellar line-up included Prof. Jean-Pierre Kahane from the Université Paris-Sud Orsay, Prof. Gilbert Strang from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Prof. John Coates from the University of Cambridge. "This [Awards] is a splendid thing and, as far as I know, there really isn't anything like this in the rest of the world." – Prof. Sir James Mirrlees