Hang Lung Mathematics Awards 2023

Hang Lung Mathematics Awards is a highly regarded biennial mathematics research competition for secondary school students in Hong Kong. Founded in 2004 by Hang Lung Properties and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hang Lung Mathematics Awards has blazed a trail in secondary school mathematics education, encouraging students to realize their creative potential in mathematics and sciences, and stimulating their passion for intellectual discovery. In 2021, Hang Lung Properties teamed up with one of the world’s top young universities, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, as our partner in the next stage of Hang Lung Mathematics Awards’ development. Under this partnership, Hang Lung Properties donates HK$2.5 million to each competition, of which HK$1 million is set aside as monetary prizes, and the remainder goes towards academic consultancy, assessment process, administration of the competition, as well as education promotion activities. In addition, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology offers tuition scholarships for teachers nominated by the winning schools to enroll in the Master of Science Program in Mathematics for Educators. Hang Lung Mathematics Awards has two principal committees, the Scientific Committee, the academic and adjudicating body of the competition, and the Steering Committee, an advisory body that provides support, guidance, and oversight of the Awards. Professor Richard Schoen, 2017 Wolf Prize Laureate in Mathematics, is the Chair of the 2023 Hang Lung Mathematics Awards Scientific Committee, which boasts 12 renowned scholars from eminent universities around the globe. Professor George F. Smoot, 2006 Nobel Laureate in Physics, chairs the 2023 Hang Lung Mathematics Awards Steering Committee, which comprises mathematicians, scientists, and leaders from different sectors of society. Schools are invited to form teams of up to five students. Under the supervision of a teacher, each team decides on a mathematics topic, designs and carries out a mathematics research project, then submits a research report that summarizes the methodology, research, and results. The Scientific Committee will evaluate the research reports in a rigorous, multi-step review process that is comparable to publishing an article in a scientific journal and determine the teams that will be invited to participate in an oral defense. The oral defense is modeled after the doctoral dissertation defense, and comprises a brief public presentation of the research project, followed by a closed-door inquiry by the Scientific Committee. At the conclusion of the oral defense, the Scientific Committee will decide the winners of the Hang Lung Mathematics Awards, and the winners will be announced at the awards presentation ceremony. Hang Lung Mathematics Awards