UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Department of Chemistry 2 Department of Chemistry Lead-free Perovskite Nanocrystals for Photo-induced Water Splitting Supervisor: HALPERT, Jonathan Eugene / CHEM Student: LEE, Yan Yee / SSCI Course: UROP1100, Summer Water splitting has attracted considerable scientific attention in recent years due to its ability to produce hydrogen as fuel with minimal pollution. Photoelectrocatalytic processes, among all other ways, have become the most popular topic because they utilize renewable solar power, leading to a more environmentally friendly approach. Consequently, increasing the efficiency of the device has been of utmost importance to the commercialization of this technology. However, finding a catalyst for this reaction has been a challenging task. Hereby, perovskite was tested as one of the photocatalysts. CsPbBr3 and Cs3Sb2Br9, two of the most common perovskites, as well as other possible candidates were synthesized and evaluated. Lead-free Perovskite Nanocrystals for Photo-induced Water Splitting Supervisor: HALPERT, Jonathan Eugene / CHEM Student: OUYANG, Boyu / CHEM-IRE Course: UROP3100, Fall Colloidal photocatalytic hydrogen generation is a field that is gaining popularity in recent years. It allows conversion of solar energy into hydrogen gas to be stored as a fuel efficiently. As a strong candidate in achieving large scale solar to hydrogen production, different photocatalysts have been synthesized. However, none of them achieved high enough efficiency or life spam long enough for commercial use. In this UROP project my work is to synthesize and study Cobalt(II) oxide (CoO) nanocrystal, a famous material for photo induced water splitting, and try my best to improve the system. Construction and Application of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectrometer in Biomolecules Characterization Supervisor: HUANG, Jinqing / CHEM Student: CHENG, Yiyang / SSCI Course: UROP1000, Summer In this experiment, optical tweezer and Raman spectroscopy are utilized for singe cancer cell analysis. Optical tweezer is applied to trap, move, and manipulate single cancer cell. And Raman spectroscopy is applied for molecular characterization to reveal the component of the cancer cell. This experiment analyzes one cancer cell, with 7 positions around the center and two Raman spectrum for each position, centered at 1200 cm-1 and 2500 cm-1. Each spectrum is 1s exposure time and 60 accumulations, in total 60s. After that, we get sets of spectrums range from 233 cm-1 to 3219 cm-1. Then, 9 positions distributed along the cell diameter are tested to verify the strongest signal of Raman spectroscopy is located at the center of the cell. After analyzing the repeatability and characteristically of the Raman spectroscopy at the center of the cell, we conclude that the Raman spectroscopy at the cell can be used to represent the characteristic of the cell. Furthermore, different peaks in Raman spectroscopy indicate tentative assignments of the corresponding peaks. This allowed for a more detailed analysis for further study.