UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Engineering Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering 138 Circuit Emulation of Bio-inspired Dynamic and Topological Quantum Systems Supervisor: SHAO, Qiming / ECE Student: FU, Penglin / SENG Course: UROP1100, Fall RRAM is widely accepted to be the most promising emerging memory technologies for its high read and write speed, low energy cost, high storage density and non-volatility. In this work, a general review of Resistive Random-Access Memory technology is presented, along with experimental testing of an RRAMbased chip manufactured by others. First, the IV sweeping, cycle to cycle variance, and multi-level switching characteristics of a single memristor are investigated. Then the switching performance of 1T1R cell is discussed. At the end of this work, some useful tips on how to use this RRAM-based chip and its limitation is discussed. Circuit Emulation of Bio-inspired Dynamic and Topological Quantum Systems Supervisor: SHAO, Qiming / ECE Student: GONG, Lik Man / SENG Course: UROP1100, Summer This is a progress report on the ongoing project that aims to create an embedded system for AI hardware. Included in this report is an outline of the design of a high voltage, nanosecond-scale pulse generator that can be applied in the AI hardware design. This pulse generator will be used for reading and writing the values stored within a MRAM memristor crossbar array, where the pulse is short, in order to provide a high read/write speed for applications such as matrix-vector multiplication, which is used extensively in AI. In this report, a description of the design is included, as well as the test results and its performance. Circuit Emulation of Bio-inspired Dynamic and Topological Quantum Systems Supervisor: SHAO, Qiming / ECE Student: LIU, Yifan / ELEC Course: UROP1100, Fall UROP2100, Spring Photon-magnon hybrid system is an emerging platform for studying new physical phenomena in Cavity Magnonics and realizing novel quantum information processing systems. The coherent coupling between photons from microwave cavity and magnons in ferromagnetic material plays the crucial role in developing more complex hybrid system. Although strong coupling has been realized in different cavity and different ferromagnetic material, there has not been an accurate integrated model to simulate the entire coupling process. This article presents a novel simulation model for photon-magnon hybrid systemusing finite element method. It has the advantage of accurately visualizing the interaction between RF and Micromagnetics properties in one model as well as allowing easy adaptation of geometric or physical parameters. Its results are consistent with the theoretical calculation and experiment results in progress. The robust simulation tool takes a step forward to integrating more complex magnon-based systems with millimeter-wave devices.