UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Engineering Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering 140 Compact Models for Circuit Design Supervisor: SHAO, Qiming / ECE Student: MA, Zhijie / ELEC Course: UROP1000, Summer In the spring semester of 2023, Professor Zhang Wei had a guest lecture on ELEC2350, which aroused my interest in hardware acceleration for algorithms. Consequently, my summer UROP 1000 project is mainly about FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) development using Vivado Design Suite. With the help of Ph.D. student XIAO Zhihua, I am able to insight into the basic principles of FPGA acceleration and the general process of high-level synthesis (HLS) using Vivado HLS, a software developed by Xilinx. To repeat an FPGAbased deep neural network project, I had a fruitful learning experience through reading essays and instructions, debugging on different versions of the Vivado Design Suite, as well as studying simpler projects to learn them gradually. The overview of this report is shown in the image below. EDA for Superconducting Quantum Computing Supervisor: SHAO, Qiming / ECE Student: LIU, Yifan / ELEC Course: UROP3200, Summer Photon-magnon hybrid system is an emerging platform for studying new physical phenomena in Cavity Magnonics. Recently, different coupling regimes have been realized and studied. As a result, devices with carefully designed non-reciprocity and singularity are in high demand. Also, there is a lack of accurate integrated models to simulate the entire coupling process. In this article, we present robust unified analytical and numerical calculation of different coupling effects. They are of great help in device designing and properties verification. The complete simulation and calculation process takes a step forward to integrating more complex magnon-based systems with millimeter-wave devices.