UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Engineering Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering 143 RFID-based Indoor Localization for UGV Supervisor: SHI, Ling / ECE Student: KUI, Ka Yu / CPEG LEUNG, Ka Chun / COGBM Course: UROP2100, Spring UROP2100, Spring In addition to the RFID indoor localization for UGV, our research has shifted some direction during this semester. We are now designing a learning product, for primary and secondary students learning coding. We did install some more functions such as water gun and remote controller to engage the learning for the students. We believe that this can be a powerful educational tool for students to learn the basics of coding and algorithm more interactively. By requiring students to modify the code, this encourages them to think critically and creatively. This can also help them to develop important skills in programming, robotics, and problem-solving, which is important in their daily life. This report describes our work in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program in the 2022 Spring. RFID-based Indoor Localization for UGV Supervisor: SHI, Ling / ECE Student: MO, Hoi Yin Natalie / ELEC Course: UROP1000, Summer Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has been widely used in our society. By using readers and tags, different types of information could be stored and identified. RFID technology has been used in many areas such as inventory control, livestock, and equipment tracking, or being used in the health care or military sector, to name but a few. This report is about developing a system using the technology of RFID to track and obtain the location information of an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). The setting of the experiment would be using a remotecontrolled car with an RFID reader to travel in an area with passive RFID tags which stored different information. The ultimate result of the research would be the availability of the UGV to identify objects by reading the RFID tags and obtaining the location information of the vehicle, while performing required tasks. (Fig 1. The unmanned UGV)