UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 151 Aerodynamic Flow Study Supervisor: FU, Lin / MAE Student: ARORA, Arjun / AE Course: UROP1100, Spring As the field of aerospace engineering is rapidly advancing, aeronautical studies are increasingly directed towards analyzing airfoils under supersonic and hypersonic speeds. An essential step in understanding the flow behavior of different airfoils is through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) by simulating a range of different conditions. The airfoil being analyzed in this report is a single wedge undergoing supersonic flow. The variables being modified are the freestream Mach number and the wedge angle to observe the effect on the downstream Mach number and the pressure ratio. Stanford software SU2 will be used for flow analysis, GMSH will be used for generating the geometry and ParaView will be used to visualize and obtain the results. Aerodynamic Flow Study Supervisor: FU, Lin / MAE Student: YE, Guangting / AE Course: UROP1100, Spring In this report, the phenomenon of the supersonic backward-facing flow was examined through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations using Fluent provided by Ansys. In the simulation, the kepsilon and 2-equation k-omega SST models were chosen for simulation. Results from both models were compared. The general characteristics of the flow such as static pressure contour, Mach number; Vector field; Surface static pressure characteristics on the lower wall after the step predicted by our simulation are in accordance with validation data documented by NASA. However, the exact value of surface pressure downstream shows large discrepancies with the experiment's unclear normalizing factor. Despite that, the main objective of grasping a fundamental understanding of aerodynamics is achieved. Anti-Glaucoma Eye Mask Supervisor: LAM, David Chuen Chun / MAE Student: KWON, Daye / BIOT Course: UROP1100, Fall Glaucoma goggles were developed by the ZeZe R&D team for the prevention and treatment of glaucoma, one of the most common eye diseases in the world. The heating module, light therapy module, and the pressure module of the goggle help act together to help relieve and prevent against glaucoma. During the process, the correlation of intraocular pressure (IOP) and the pupil size was raised to identify if a simple detection method could be developed. Thus, statistical analysis was performed along with regression analysis. Additionally, to prove the functionality of the goggles, intraocular pressure (IOP), tear film breakage, and topography data from many individuals were collected.