UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Engineering Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 154 Ambular: An Emergency Response Drone Supervisor: LI, Larry / MAE Student: JUNG, Guseul / CPEG KIM, Song Hyun / AE LAI, Shing Kai / AE Course: UROP1100, Spring UROP1100, Spring UROP2100, Spring The Ambular project, which was initiated by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), seeks to enhance people's quality of life by developing electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) technology in the aviation industry. This essay presents the design and development of an electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) drone capable of performing vertical takeoff and landing. The project's primary objective was to design a model for the drone, which was successfully achieved by constructing a prototype. However, the production process encountered some challenges, resulting in a delay of several weeks in wind tunnel testing due to the inability to print the wing using 3D printing technology. The report covers the production of a 3D model and the blueprint for the drone's operational version, along with a discussion of future plans and proposed design enhancements. Ambular: An Emergency Response Drone Supervisor: LI, Larry / MAE Student: KIM, Song Hyun / AE LAI, Shing Kai / AE Course: UROP2100, Summer UROP3100, Summer With constant development of new technology and artificial intelligence, application of drones is becoming more widespread and common for industrial and medical uses. In the medical sector, drones were developed to deliver medical supplies to remote and isolated locations efficiently, offering better access to people with medical needs. However, this becomes a different matter when it is required to transfer patients who are stranded at locations which are difficult for rescue helicopters to approach. Drones which are capable of transporting patients are being developed. When designing this type of drone, the aerodynamics is a very important aspect that must be analyzed. This progress report delves into the process of iterative process of designing a shape for the fuselage of the drone.