UROP Proceedings 2022-23

School of Science Department of Chemistry 4 Synthesis, Reactivity and Catalytic Properties of Transition Metal Carbyne Complexes Supervisor: JIA, Guocheng / CHEM Student: SU, Zijie / SSCI Course: UROP1100, Summer This report discusses the synthesis and catalytic properties of RuHI(CO)(PPh3)3 in the hydrogen/deuterium exchange reaction between olefins and D2O. Firstly, there will be a introduction highlighting the importance of developing efficient methods for the production of deuterated compounds, which are widely used in various fields including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and materials science. After that, a detailed procedure and reaction mechanism of the synthesis of RuHI(CO)(PPh3)3 will be displayed. Moreover, the catalytic activity of RuHI(CO)(PPh3)3 in the hydrogen/deuterium exchange reaction between olefins is navigated, and the results demonstrate its high efficiency in promoting the exchange reaction in acid environment. Finally, there will be a short conclusion summarizes the findings of the study and the potential benefits of utilizing RuHI(CO)(PPh3)3 as a promising catalyst for the production of deuterated compounds. Synthesis, Reactivity and Catalytic Properties of Transition Metal Carbyne Complexes Supervisor: JIA, Guocheng / CHEM Student: YIU, Wing Shan / CHEM Course: UROP1100, Spring The study on reactivity of rhenacyclobutadiene complexes with electron-rich alkynescan help to reveal effect of substituents on outcome of the reaction. For this purpose, a series of internal alkynes and of rhenacyclobutadiene complexes were synthesized in this project. Two furan substituted alkynes of the type RC≡CCO2Me (R = C4H3O) were successfully synthesized by Corey-Fuchs reactions. Two internal alkynes of the type R(C6H4)C≡CMe (R = CN, NO2) were successfully synthesized by Sonogashira coupling reaction. Four rhenacyclobutadiene complexes of the type Re{-C(R1)=C(R2)C(OR3)=}(CO4) (R1 = C4H3O, Me, R2 = COOEt, (C6H4)CN, (C6H4)NO2, R3 = tBu, Et) were synthesized by Schemes 4 and two were successful while the other two were unsuccessful.